seasons in spanish

Winter, summer, spring, fall—just like in English, the seasons in Spanish describe the changes of the year. Learning how to say the four seasons in Spanish is a great way for beginners to start a conversation using basic Spanish vocabulary.

Ready to get started? Keep reading to perfect the seasons in Spanish. Then don’t forget to practice with your Spanish-speaking friends! If you really want to impress them, check out our Spanish courses to boost your language skills.

Estaciones del año Seasons of the Year
El InviernoWinter
La PrimaveraSpring
El VeranoSummer
El OtoñoAutumn or fall
seasons in spanish

The Four Seasons in Spanish: Quick Tips

Just like in English, the seasons are characterized by the longest and shortest days of the year, which vary according to hemisphere. For example, if you live in the northern hemisphere, such as in Spain, your winter months start around December 21.

For those living in the southern hemisphere like in Argentina, December 21st marks the start of the summer season with longer, warmer days.

Here are a few pointers for using seasons in Spanish:

  • Use definite articles: The seasons of the year in Spanish are often used with definite articles (el/la/los/las), for example, el invierno (the winter).
  • Tropical seasons: People who live in tropical climates may refer to two seasons in Spanish. La estación lluviosa refers to the rainy season, sometimes called el invierno (winter). La estación seca refers to the dry season, sometimes called el verano (summer).
  • Use “de” for the adjective form: “De + season” describes the seasons in Spanish in adjective form, for example, de verano (summery) or de invierno (wintry).

When to Use the Definite Article with Seasons in Spanish

The seasons of the year in Spanish are almost always used with a definite article (el/la/los/las). In many cases, this differs from the English usage:

  • Durante el invierno, las noches son largas y oscuras. (During winter, the nights are long and dark.)
  • La primavera es la época del año en que muchas flores florecen. (Spring is the time of year that many flowers bloom.)
  • El otoño es la estación de cosecha. (Autumn is the harvest season.)
  • El verano es mi estación favorita. (Summer is my favorite season.)

The same rule also applies when using the season in Spanish in plural form:

  • Todos los veranos hay fiestas en esta ciudad. (In the summers, there are many festivals in this city.)
  • Me gusta esquiar en los inviernos. (I like to ski during the winters.)
  • Los colores de las hojas son amarillos, rojos, y anaranjadas durante los otoños de Nueva Inglaterra. (The colors of the leaves are yellow, red, and orange during the New England autumns.)

You can also use determiners such as este (this) and un (one) to substitute the definite article.

How do you say seasons in Spanish?

El Invierno - Winter

During the winter season, the days shorten, the nights get longer, and temperatures tend to drop. The word invierno derives from the Latin hibernum, which means to "hibernate."

Common vocabulary: El naive (snow), el hielo (ice), los guantes (gloves)


La Primavera - Spring

Flowers broom, plants sprout, animals give birth—Spring is the time of year when nature comes back to life. Hence, primavera; prima (first) and ver (to see), the time of year to first see new life.

Common vocabulary: flores (flowers), conejas (rabbits), lluvia (rain)


El Verano - Summer

The days get longer and the temperatures rise during the summer months. El verano comes from the Latin word, veranum, which also refers to this season of the year.

Common vocabulary: El sol (sun), la playa (beach), traje de baño (bathing suit) summer

El Otoño - Autumn

El otoño tends to mark the harvest season, when farmers gather crops planted earlier in the year. El otoño is a cognate of the English word autumn, as they sound similar and both come from the Latin word, autumnus.

Common vocabulary: Vistoso (colorful), el viento (wind), calabaza (pumpkin)


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